Partnership to Strengthen Innovation and Practice in Secondary Education (PSIPSE)
PSIPSE is a funder-collaborative that seeks to increase access to formal and non-formal secondary education and improve learning outcomes for marginalized populations. PSIPSE contributes to this goal through funding in-country interventions that accelerate innovation, contribute to evidence-based policy reforms, and disseminates learnings to key stakeholders. Members of PSIPSE include private donors and donor advisors including MacArthur Foundation, Intel Foundation, Mastercard Foundation and Dubai Cares. TEP Centre was engaged by Results for Development Institute ( Learning Partner to the consortium) to serve as Local Learning Partner to the seven PSIPSE grantee organizations in Nigeria: British Council, Development Research and Projects Centre, Co-Creation Hub, Catholic University of America, Centre for Change and Community Development, Mercy Corps and The Bixby Centre of the University of California Berkeley.
Our Approach: TEP Centre provided technical assistance and peer networking services to all grantees. Specifically, TEP Centre supported grantees to develop and implement effective monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) frameworks, developed a series of analytical products, supported peer learning among the collaborative, strengthened linkages between grantees and policymakers and coordinated a regional convening for the PSIPSE Collaborative.
Result: TEP Centre, through the workshops, was successful in training PSIPSE collaborative on monitoring, evaluation and learning, theory of change, and pathways for scaling up.