Partnership Development | Advocacy | Advisory/Implementation | Convening

The Challenge: In Nigeria and other developing countries, the development sector is an active and growing player in the delivery of quality education. Many citizens actively seek access to quality education from the public sector because they perceive that it is the government’s responsibility, among other things. For the non-state sector, they are involved in corporate social responsibility projects in the bid to give back to the communities that host them. However, these organisations may have diverse approach to implementing education interventions, and despite the government’s interest in engaging with the non-state sector, they may not understand their roles or are not supported by the appropriate institutional systems and processes to steward partnerships or evidence-based interventions. This results in varied quality and costs of services.

Our Approach: TEP Centre facilitates partnerships, organises convenings, and leads on advocacy and intervention programmes/projects, in order to create a platform that highlights the unique contributions of the public and non-state sectors. With initiatives such as the NEDIS Education Innovation Summit, EdMeets Series, and the Education Unscripted Podcast Series we support individuals and organisations to better identify possible problems in the education sector and undertake actions to resolve these challenges. We also build collaborations between non-state entities and the government to ensure that the priorities and feedback of beneficiaries are helping the non-state actors implement innovative interventions, and that public actors implement better policies. TEP Centre also helps to analyse accountability ecosystems to help non-state and public partners better understand how to make positive change happen in diverse environments.

Our Results: Over the years, we have been able to create lasting partnerships with both the public and non-state sectors. We have also led a number of advocacy programmes such as the LEARNigeria Advocacy programme, and the ON-Nigeria Awareness and Validation exercises, to educate on the needed interventions in the education space.