Zo Mu Koya Tare (Come Let’s Learn Together) KOYA Project

Zo Mu Koya Tare (Come Let’s Learn Together) KOYA Project

Zo Mu Koya Tare (Come Let’s Learn Together) KOYA Project

In response to pandemic-induced teaching and learning gaps, especially in northern Nigeria, TEP Centre designed a low-tech remedial learning solution for foundational literacy and numeracy called Zo Mu Koya Tare. This initiative delivered targeted SMS-based learning activities and supplementary instructional workbooks to students via basic feature phones, with support from caregivers. Funded by Google.org, the pilot project was implemented in two communities in Kano State in 2021 and scaled to 15 communities across four LGAs. With support from the Kano State Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB), the project showed significant improvement, with 33.5% of pupils moving to higher reading levels. This evidence supports the scalability of low-tech, home-based learning solutions to improve educational outcomes.